There exists a service that alleges to contact a business, or website, on your behalf to request that your personally identifiable information be removed from the destination business or website.
We receive a number of requests per week from this service, and it masquerades as being from the individual's e-mail address, when it's actually from the '' website service.
We will not honour requests of this type from a third party.
The main reason for this, is it is not GDPR compliant to do so, among other privacy laws. For example:
- It signals to the 'third party' that your account exists/existed and your personal details exist and are 'correct', this is a security risk to you.
- We cannot guarantee that the request came from the person whose personally identifiable data it is, it could be a 'bad actor' falsifying this request.
- The requests we are receiving do not specify 'element14 community', only 'element14', and so we don't know if they mean the Community or the online store, and if it means the online store, then there are different laws because that covers the asia pacific / oceanic region of the world.
We honour legitimate requests from users/members/passed onto us internally from the rest of the business, and members have the ability to self serve this request from their account profile/settings page(s).