So you've just clicked 'save as draft', where is it?
It helps to make sure you're in the 'blog' section of the group you want to check:
In the top left of the page, you'll see a 'pencil' icon:
Then you want to go to 'Manage Blog'
Then you want to go to 'Posts'
Here you'll see all of the blogs for the group, you may see other member's unpublished or draft blogs, but you won't be able to do anything with them as you don't have the permission to alter other users blogs
If you don't see your blog at the top of the list, you can type in 'find a post' to search for it, or go to 'unpublished'
From here if you click on your blog title, you can then act on the blog, edit it, publish it, move it, etc.