When I was in college (many years ago) transistors and a handful of ICs were the primary semiconductor devices that we were taught about. FETs were almost discouraged as easily damaged. Fast forward to the present, and MOSFETs are one of my most used components (I have 11 MOSFET part numbers in my current inventory, compared to only 4 microprocessors as I tend to typically use a single processor type in the majority of my projects). In my most recent design there are a total of eight FET/MOSFETs on board.
When I was in college (many years ago) transistors and a handful of ICs were the primary semiconductor devices that we were taught about. FETs were almost discouraged as easily damaged. Fast forward to the present, and MOSFETs are one of my most used components (I have 11 MOSFET part numbers in my current inventory, compared to only 4 microprocessors as I tend to typically use a single processor type in the majority of my projects). In my most recent design there are a total of eight FET/MOSFETs on board.
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