What's your go-to beverage?
Well I found this traditional custard eggnog that is very good.
When I put it in the hot chocolate it was even better.
I occasionally add a bit of Grand Marnier or Amaretto.
Kinda sounds like you found the half-and-half equivalent for hot chocolate.
I like a nice hot chocolate with a little eggnog in it.
Nice and creamy, good tasting.
The only bad thing is it tripled my triglyceride levels during my latest blood test.
Oh well.
It really is so hard to believe that they used to put cocaine into coke!
YouTube recommended this to me today... dang they really do watch everything I do online!
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Interesting how alcohol was actually illegal before cocaine was!
Sometimes I accidentally drink my wife's Earl Grey not, it's not my favourite. She doesn't drink mine as I add sugar, so when this happens I get two cups of tea!
dougw wrote: That would be Earl Grey tea.
dougw wrote:
That would be Earl Grey tea.
In a related note I'm really enjoying Picard right now..
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