Who Wins?
Help us answer an age-old sci- fi question:
Earlier this month the element14 Community reached its 200,000 member milestone. As a thank you to our members, we decided to have some fun and engage SYN/HAK, an Akron,Ohio-based Hackerspace to build models of the siOrg³ starship and the Lifeless Spherical Space Station. For years the science fiction community has debated what would happen if these two feats of engineering collided in the cosmos.Now it's time to take the spirited conversations about this topic we've seen in online forums, offline conventions and social media outlets to our community of over 200,000 engineers, makers and hobbyists. We hope you settle this intergalactic dispute once and for all!
Check out the video "Who Wins?", created by SYN/HAK which puts this spirited discussion into context using the element14 Community as a bridge between both universes. It starts innocently as two engineers turn to the Community to get answers to questions around Deep Space Engineering, but soon escalates into a virtual smack-off about the merits of each respective ship. The two engineers are forced to back up said smack as they inexplicably find themselves in the same sector of the galaxy.
Log in or Register (top right corner of the screen) to vote and comment on the "Who Wins?" video here.
The group of Hackers has also posted a blog about the project, which uses the Raspberry Pi and Arduino boards here.
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