I received my Digistump Oak a few days ago.
Picture is shown with an AA battery for size. They included a pretty sticker and post card. Maybe that's to make it look like I actually received something, because that Oak is tiny!
The idea is that I should be able to use it just like a small Arduino, with WiFi.
They are still working on the firmware, so from what I can tell I can’t actually use it yet for anything (http://digistump.com - click through to their Kickstarter campaign for the updates). Please let me know if that’s not the case, I might be missing something.
Then a few nights ago, as I was browsing AliExpress for some art tools for my dear spouse, I came across the WeMos D1 mini (http://www.wemos.cc), which looks a LOT like the Oak, and it looks like it’s ready to use, and (at least when bought from a place like AliExpress) is only about $5 (shipping included).
Has anyone seen or heard of or tried the WeMos yet? and/or did anyone else sign up for the Oak, and receive it yet?
And will these be available through element14-and-friends in the future?
I forget who it was who said that crowdfunding/Kickstarter campaigns generally mean we pay today for next year’s technology (or something that might be outdated by the time it ships) - in this case that appears to be true again with WeMos and sort of with the $5 Raspberry Pi (with cheap WiFi dongle can be under that $10 mark), although the RPi is bigger so might not fit some applications. The Oak was $10, +$5 shipping to Canada (No regrets for sure, I'd still buy one at that price).
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