Hi to all Element14 community members, as you can see in the above title my Internet of Holiday Lighting RoadTest Plus project is "Smartphone Controlled Lighting System", I was one of the 20 lucky people who got selected in this RoadTest, Element14 has provided us all the goodies that we require to make our project, I have received the parts (Arduino UNO, Arduino YUN, and the Infineon RGB Shield).
Sorry for the delay in writing this first blog post, I was busy in a family function. Other contestants are ahead of me, I get a little lazy sometimes and want to take thing slow. My project "Smartphone Controlled Lighting System", is also the result of this laziness, sometimes one does not want to get up from the bed and walk up to the switch board to just switch on or off the lights or something else, especially in the winter, when you just don't want to get out of that blanket ! The idea of this project was in my mind for months and I had started working on it even before this roadtest was announced. The Idea is to make a home automation system which can be controlled by a smartphone ( with Bluetooth ), And also with a simple IR Remote control.
When the road test was announced I made improvements in my original idea, Firstly I included IoT to this Road test, which will make full use of the Arduino YUN and also to include Mood Lighting.
I have started to to test all the hardware individually, and it seems promising, I am also making a LED matrix display from scratch, and It will also be included in this project if it gets completed in time.
This is going to be my first IoT project, also have not worked with any I2C device in the past, but after messing around with the Infineon Shield and the codes and reading other contestants blogs I have got the hang of it, it is not that hard.
Guys I will need help from all of you, so please do help me out during the course of this road test, more in the next blog post..