Hello community. I was developed my own application for Arduino developers and today i had published it on Google Play. This app bring you flexible and configurable remote for your arduino devices via bluetooth modules HC-05, HC-06. This is free application and i hope i can use this place for show it. Also i hope i can get some feedback and if i will see my app is in demand, then i will improve it. I have some ideas how can do it. Also i will be happy to see any suggesting for future updates.
Here some screenshots of it:
Download link -> http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ltd.kvushco.bluetoothterminal
Project website -> http://bluetooth-terminal.kvushco.xyz/
What's new
ver 1.2
Added slider. Now you can control RGB Led, servo, and other PWM output via slider.
ver 1.1
Added the ability to create any number of configurations. You can easily switch between them.
Also i wrote a post about RGB Led controlling using this app. There i show example of arduino sketch, with Serial input and how can setup toggle and slider in my terminal.
Come to read. RGB Led control via bluetooth modules HC-05, HC-06 using KvushCo Bluetooth Terminal