Here is a video I posted with the description copied below of a simple slideshow project I made. It is rather easy for a beginner to put together and has some potential for adding more complex features. It can be done with any of the display shields or breakout boards available.
Created a photo slideshow to test out my Adafruit 1.8" TFT Shield with an Arduino Uno. I built around the sample function for drawing bitmaps in the Adafruit_ST7735 library to automatically rotate through all the files on the microSD card. The program is rather simple, making use of openNextFile() and rewindDirectory() from the Arduino SD library.
- Photo files not hard coded (no need to reprogram for new photos)
- Loops through photos once last file is reached
Future Upgrades:
- Interactive mode (use joystick to navigate photos)
- Include both landscape and horizontal photos
- Improve robustness (i.e. reject non-bitmap files)
- Auto-scale photos (currently photos were cropped to 128 x 160px)