The chipKIT Uno32 (part # TDGL002TDGL002) development board is a clone of the Arduino Uno board, and features 128 KB Flash program memory and 16 KB RAM, with two each of the I2C, SPI and UART peripherals. This board is priced at $26.95 each. A clone of the Arduino Mega board, the chipKIT Max32 (part # TDGL003TDGL003) development board features 512 KB Flash program memory and 128 KB RAM, with USB, CAN and Ethernet communication, as well as 5 each I2C, 4 each SPI, and 6 each UART peripherals. The chipKIT Max32 board is priced at $49.50 each.
Both chipKIT boards can be ordered today. chipKIT Network and I/O Shields are expected to be available in June 2011.