For all the hobbyist, maker community, students and beyond - we're supplying free reference designs that you can work with, take from and build up to make
your own designs! No need to start from scratch!
These PADS Arduino Uno & Arduino Uno SMD Rev3 reference design data sets have 19 files including:
- Schematic design in xDX Designer format (.prj)
- Layout design in PADS 9.5 format (.pcb)
- Bill of Materials for the design ( Bill of Materials.html)
- PDF of the schematic design ( (Schematic).pdf)
- PDF of the layout design ( (Layout).pdf)
- Property definitions file (netlist.prp)
- PCB Configuration file (pads95.cfg)
- Land Patterns
- Schematic symbols
Be sure to check out all 24 Reference Designs found here: can be used with our new inexpensive (PADS based) Designer Schematic and Designer Layout tools now available for the hobbyist/maker community from Digikey ! as well as our desktop PADS products.
Cheers ! John