Hi All,
I tried to open a discussion but the website wouldn't publish it so I just created a quick blog about this project.
I was planning to make a quick IDE hard drive controller with an ATmega328p, and was wondering if anyone might know how the internal buffer addresses are incremented inside the hard drive during read/write operations?
Is there a set rate data has to be read from or written to the hard drive, or would the read/write pins be toggled to load the next set of 16 bit word during the read/write operations?
I'm a little confused, searching for tutorials, but they're not describing how the addresses are incremented, they're just saying read or write 512 bytes in one shot for either read or write sector operation.
Your help would be appreciated, thanks.
I know there are pre-written libraries, but I'll be interfacing this in a circuit of it's ow connected directly to an ATmega which will act solely as a dedicated IDE controller using the LBA access scheme.
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