As part of a project to build a digital rotary table I've been experimenting with double height characters.
The Circuit
The circuit for this is an I2C LCD display wired to the standard I2C pins on the Arduino and a linear 10K potentiometer with the wiper connected to the analogue input 0 on the Aruduino.
In the code
The setup function creates a few blocky custom characters.
An array stores the defintions of the numbers 0-9 with regards to which of those custom characters need to be displayed.
The loop then reads the input and then displays the results in the large characters.
LCD "Bigfont" Numbers on the Arduino Forum
Hifiduinos LCD Custom Fonts, Large Numbers
Tom Torfs binary constant Macros
Source Code
LCD DisplayLCD Display
10K Pot10K Pot
Arduino UnoArduino Uno
4K7 Resistor4K7 Resistor