Previous posts..
My IoT Holiday Lightings...#1: Introduction
My IoT Holiday Lightings...#2: First prototype
My IoT Holiday Lightings...#3 some more options Added
My IoT Holiday Lightings...#3: Second prototype with Music Controlled lightings and more options..
Dear All,
In this post and few upcoming post I will demonstrate my final build for "IoT Holiday Lighting Challenge".
I will explain step by step Android GUI Usage for My IoT Holiday Lighting here...
Main Funda for my project: Keep it Simple so all can do it without deep knowledge of embedded system and programming...
I have also kept BOM Limited... (Arduino yun, Infineon RGB LED Control Shield, RGB LED Strip, 12V 2AMP DC Supply, 5V 1AMP DC Supply and custom ckt for Music control lighting around TLV3402 Dual opamp and few passive components)
As I have used Rest style API for communication between App and Yun... There is no need for extra Hardware to setup broker and other stuff needed for Mqtt.
And by simple modification same application can be used with mqtt or CoAP...
So by using my simple setup LED lighting can be controlled from Local network or from Internet too...
Step By Step Demo Setup and Test
Here is my demo Setup..
And here are stp by step guide for Set up and run this Demo..
Step 1. Turn On Wifi Hot Spon on ur android phone (if You do not have WLAN Router near by.. like me)
Step 2 : Turnon Arduino Yun and Infineon RGB LED Control Shield
Step 3: Wait for a minute to connect arduino Yun to hotspot and then Run Android App for IoT Holiday Lighting...
Step4: Update Ip Address by touching Ip address field then touch connect... At this step Android app is connected to yun ..
Step 6: move through options to see different LED Lighting Pattern... Play music for see music control lighting or Shake your phone to see gesture control lighting...
Step 7: If you want to connect your IoT Holiday Lighting to Internet simply do port forwarding on android Port Forwarder.. Select Public interface (IP given by your network operator), forward 8080 port from public Interface to 80 port of your Yun.. and start port forwarder.. Cheers.. Ur Yun is now on Internet...
Step 8: from Android phone with IoT Holiday Lighting App With internet configure Yun Address again and connect to yun...
Step 9: All set move through options again to control LED Lightings...
You can use No-Ip or DDNS like Dns updater to give meaning ful name to ur arduino Yun remote URL...
Note : The same GUI App I have developed for PC (Windows)... Attached with this post... Gesture option will not work in PC.. But Remaining is same...
Here is Video of my Android phone screen recording for IoT Holiday Lighting App...
I Have attached PC application for my project Here...
Upcoming Post..
Final Build 2 : DIY GUIDE With complete Schematic and Codes..
Final Build 3 : Video Demo with android and PC Application
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