I've only had a few more days to play with my Arduino and I am loving it! This is my very first time with Arduino so it's definitely been baby steps for me. My next step after running a sketch to control the LED on Pin 13 was connecting up a set RGB LED lights that are individually addressable.
Thanks to the help from peteroakes I was able understand what power requirements I had, and finally got to power something more flashy! I used the Adafruit Neopixel Library and had the lights working in minutes! They are extremely bright and this string of 60 LEDs alone will definitely be able to light up my apartment!
Next step is deciding what type of sensors I want to use to trigger my setup The plan is to use a PIR sensor to react to people walking near it and a sound sensor to react to the music!
Hoping to make some progress on this before the new year but was unable to fly any of this hardware away with me for the holiday. I was too worried about getting hastled in customs!
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