How would I wire an Omron H7EC pulse counter to my Arduino UNO, using 3-wire hall-effect flow sensor with its signal wire plugged into digital pin 2 of the Arduino? Since the Omron already has the LCD screen to read the pulses, I don't really need to add an Arduino LCD shield for that purpose.
It's very easy to get pulse output with the hall-effect flow sensors using the Arduino IDE and serial monitor as output. But I'm trying to figure out how to wire the 3 wires from the flow sensor (pos., neg., and signal) to get some pulses to display on the Omron, which are using 2 connections for input signal. Otherwise I'm stuck with using the laptop with the serial output and Arduino IDE which is a little more cumbersome outside in the field where I need to monitor pulse output on my flow sensors.
I have used the Omron pulse counter for the flow meters with 2-wire output (reed switch), very easy to get pulses here but Hall-effect flow sensors are cheaper to use than the 2-wire pulse output flow meters.
Would I need a pull-up or pull-down resistor from one of the hall-effect wires (pos. or neg.) to connect to the other terminal on my Omron counter? I connect the signal output wire to one of the terminals on the Omron counter so I'm left with how to put another wire from the flow sensor to the other terminal on the Omron. I'm trying to avoid shorting out the Arduino and Omron with some misplaced wiring connections.