Apologies if this is in the wrong spot, I had some trouble navigating around the element14 site.
TL;DR summary: I need a simple way to get temperature and humidity readings into a PHP script. I want it to be powered by USB, but I want the data to be transferred over wi-fi. Where should I start?
Full story:
I have a tidy little PHP website I've made that pulls data from my Nest Thermostat via the unofficial API and generates this glanceable graph to show the current comfort level in my living room:
This is useful to me and I'm happy with it, but I want to enhance it with temperature and humidity readings from my second floor and my basement.
Nest makes their own external sensors, but they inexplicably lack a humidity reading. They're also battery powered, which I don't like, and they cost $40 each. I feel like I'd be better off trying to roll my own solution here.
I have extra USB charging outlets in the spots where I'd like to stash these sensors, so I figure that's the best way to power them.
I came across this tutorial, which seems quite close to what I'm looking for: https://www.instructables.com/id/Arduino-IOT-Temperature-and-Humidity-With-ESP8266-/
This guide seems to be a few years old, though, and I'm too much of a novice to know if there are ways to simplify and improve it. For one, I don't need data logging, I just need the sensor readings to be available on demand.
Any suggestions or ideas?