I have this code for a sensor and i want to convert the code to Psoc 4 poineer kit. The code originally for Arduino can i convert the code.?
This the code:
#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <gfxfont.h>
#include <SPI.h> //Library for SPI interface
#include <Wire.h> //Library for I2C interface
#define OLED_RESET 11 //Reset pin
Adafruit_SSD1306 display(OLED_RESET); //Set Reset pin for OLED display
int led = 10; //LED pin
int buzzer = 9; //Buzzer pin
int gas_sensor = A0; //Sensor pin
float m = -0.318; //Slope
float b = 1.133; //Y-Intercept
float R0 = 11.820; //Sensor Resistance in fresh air from previous code
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); //Baud rate
display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C); //Initialize screen
display.setTextColor(WHITE); //Set text color
display.setTextSize(3); //Set text size
pinMode(led, OUTPUT); //Set LED as output
digitalWrite(led, LOW); //Turn LED off
pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT); //Set buzzer as output
digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW); // Turn buzzer off
pinMode(gas_sensor, INPUT); //Set gas sensor as input
void loop() {
display.clearDisplay(); //Clear display
display.setCursor(0, 5); //Place cursor in (x,y) location
float sensor_volt; //Define variable for sensor voltage
float RS_gas; //Define variable for sensor resistance
float ratio; //Define variable for ratio
float sensorValue = analogRead(gas_sensor); //Read analog values of sensor
sensor_volt = sensorValue * (5.0 / 1023.0); //Convert analog values to voltage
RS_gas = ((5.0 * 10.0) / sensor_volt) - 10.0; //Get value of RS in a gas
ratio = RS_gas / R0; // Get ratio RS_gas/RS_air
double ppm_log = (log10(ratio) - b) / m; //Get ppm value in linear scale according to the the ratio value
double ppm = pow(10, ppm_log); //Convert ppm value to log scale
double percentage = ppm / 10000; //Convert to percentage
display.print(percentage); //Load screen buffer with percentage value
display.print("%"); //Load screen buffer with "%"
display.display(); //Flush characters to screen
if (ppm > 2000) {
//Check if ppm value is greater than 2000
digitalWrite(led, HIGH); //Turn LED on
digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH); //Turn buzzer on
} else {
//Case ppm is not greater than 2000
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
//Turn LED off
digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW);
//Turn buzzer off