Hi everyone,
I need something like this http://arduino.cc/hu/Hacking/PinMapping
But for the attiny2313
The only thing i know is that it has a max I/O of 18 but which one is which i have no idea
Hi everyone,
I need something like this http://arduino.cc/hu/Hacking/PinMapping
But for the attiny2313
The only thing i know is that it has a max I/O of 18 but which one is which i have no idea
what im trying to say is that i dont know what does PA 0 for example means or PB1.
I even tried googling PB0 pin but i get stuck at a black berry forum
I need the red text from here couse i have no idea where to connect stuff
Again thaks in advance couse i just cant find anything on that topic
It means Port, letter and position.
so PB0 is Bit 0 on Port B.
PD7 Bit 7 (the last bit in the 8 bit port) on Port D.
INT is an Interupt pin (or just part of a Port depending how you config it).
AN0 would be analog 0 (but can also be a digital Bit on a port as well).
the PDF file from Atmel for this chip should explain the pin definitions normally.
you`ll also have to transpose them manually.
That was verry helpful, i will try to make a diagram and post it to make sure that im correct.
Thnaks alot!
That was verry helpful, i will try to make a diagram and post it to make sure that im correct.
Thnaks alot!