Hi everyone,
I need something like this http://arduino.cc/hu/Hacking/PinMapping
But for the attiny2313
The only thing i know is that it has a max I/O of 18 but which one is which i have no idea
Hi everyone,
I need something like this http://arduino.cc/hu/Hacking/PinMapping
But for the attiny2313
The only thing i know is that it has a max I/O of 18 but which one is which i have no idea
I mean like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30rPt802n1k it has a defined Digital pin 1, Digital pin 2...
Yup, also it`s a little hard for me to help with Clasic Arduino, in the sense that I don`t use things like pinmode, digitalwrite and all that stuff, I tend to call the ports directly without any abstraction, this may help explain what I mean by that: http://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/PortManipulation
so doing it this way you only really need to be familiar with the Chip, and not some arbitrary label.
there are definitions in the Arduino folder, I think it`s in Hardware, whereby these pins are assigned their Arduino name, and other things like crystal freq etc...
it May be possible to find a pre-existing definition for the 2313 chip out there somewhere, it`s not something I`v looked into though, sorry.
well if you know how to call the port directly it will be faster, but in my case im still learning how to make programs with digital write and that kind of stuff, and i pritty much found what i needed from here http://provideyourown.com/2011/arduino-program-attiny/
So thanks for the help everyone!