I am completely new to this site and also to arduino, i have basic knowledge of electronics and arduino. So i want to make a project for my home, it will not be just a prototype but i will use it in my home.
So i want to make a wireless overhead tank water level monitor system using nrf24L01 modules (or any other suitable wireless module), which will display water level in perentage from 0 to 100 on LCD and also which will control relay based on the predefined water levels. This will also have a manual button to turn on/off relay at any time.
Here is what i have planned so far;
I will use waterproof ultrasonic sensor to measure water level at transmitter side, whiich will send the data using nrf24l01 modules to reciever, which will convert/map the distance to percentage and it will be shown to 16*2 lcd, if water level has reached 20% the relay/pump will be turned on and when the tank is full or 100% the relay will be turned off. There should be a manual button to turn on/off pump at any time.
So anybuddy here can write the code for that system? I have basic knowledge of arduino programming, i can do few things but cant write entire code myself.
If anybuddy has better idea he can also share here.
Looking forward and Thanks