I've been looking for information about a small problem I encountered programming a Digispark board (attiny85) using the Arduino IDE and a Pololu pgm04b programmer. The setup works without having to burn a bootloader to the digispark, but here is the issue. If I upload the sketch using the digispark 1 or 8 Mhz board choices, the program runs as it should with no problems. If I use one of the 16 or 16.5 MHz choices, the program runs extremely slow with maybe some other problems as the counter built in to count button pushes doesn't update. I'm trying to find out what changes, exactly, are being made during compilation that provides a defect in the compiled program when using the higher speed choices. I'm no expert, but I'm hoping that someone is aware of something I may be overlooking. To throw a wrench into the works I might mention that this appears to be digispark clone so it's entirely possible that the ATtiny85 used on the board is not only not up to par but I guess there's a possibility it's not a genuine ATtiny. I have some plain ATtiny85 on the way to try this without the digispark hardware overhead.
The sketch/program is just a simple program to count momentary button pushes, display the button push counts and allow an LED to blink on even numbered counts.