Hello, recently I have been doing a project on an Arduino Uno that uses the display, however due to the limited space I have in my project build im unable to plug in power using the normal Usb option and 12v Barrel jack, the only way I could power it is I can wire power from a power supply to the Arduino Uno, I'm aware that I can use the inputs over here (on the power rail) to wire power to the Arduino (Refer to image 1)
image 1
However all of these inputs are occupied and it isn't possible for me to input power from there, so now we are left with the empty slots refer to image 2 (empty slots are highlighted in yellow)
Image 2
My question is that are we able to wire 5V power from the Arduino power Supply (refer to image 3 for power supply) then to the Arduino Uno highlighted yellow slots??
Image 3