Any thoughts about this kit?
This is a nice kit with integrated sensors but depending on what you want to achieve - it is at a very high price point ($308 on Newark). I have used the Nicla Vision and Portenta H7 but have started using the Seeed Studio Grove Vision AI v2 Kit for vision and audio AI because of its much lower cost and interface options (the Grove Vision AI v2 Kit is $29).
The Nicla Vision used on its own is a very compact integration of camera, microphone, IMU, and ToF distance sensors and WiFi/BLE that I haven't found elsewhere and is great when you need those features together. The Grove Vision AI v2 board on its own has a CSI interface, microphone, and the vision processor ($16). You need to add the camera, WiFi and other sensors if you need them. I actually like that flexibility as I have a lot of different RPi cameras and the board has an interface for a piggyback Xiao module which I also have in most of the processor options. I've used it with the Xiao ESP32S3 Sense to do a dual camera setup with WiFi/BLE.
You'll need to make your own assessment but there was an article on Hackster 2024 MCU AI Vision Boards: Performance Comparison.
Nice find.. It does look good.
Regarding price-point, there's another interesting board, called CanMV-K230 which is Pi-sized (but costs approximately the same as a Pi), and has on-board camera, and a RISC-V core, plus an accelerator for AI. Maybe it's an option for more price-sensitive applications.
However, I really don't know much about it. It would be nice to try it out sometime, although finding time is hard. There's a predecessor K210 board which was very user-friendly, and had a MicroPython port for ease-of-use. I really like that K210 board. I encountered the K210 processor in a commercial product as well. Maybe this K230 board is easy to use too. There's also a K510 board, but that's a lot more expensive. I have not used the K510.