Does the dead human body still emit infrared? Will sensors like omron d6t still work?
Does the dead human body still emit infrared? Will sensors like omron d6t still work?
As I mentioned in my comment, bodies turn cold usually within 6 hours of death. Since infrafred is based mostly on heat, a dead body would produce little more IR than let's say a tree trunk.
Actually, a tree trunk with sun hitting it would generate more IR, probably.
just to be OCD :-) corpses dont get cold, they get to room temperature, maybe a bit above by heat generated by decomposition.
Zombies on the other hand do measure just a touch over room temperature since they like to eat warm brains.
just to be OCD :-) corpses dont get cold, they get to room temperature, maybe a bit above by heat generated by decomposition.
Zombies on the other hand do measure just a touch over room temperature since they like to eat warm brains.