Ok yall, so I recently got my Arduino MKR Vidor4000. I figured that this would be a good board to start learning FPGA with. Apparently I was incorect in that assumption.
I can not even get a sketch to upload properly( Not even trying to use the FPGA chip yet). The instuctions on Arduino.cc home page say once you get the board setup
and installed to run the basic blink sketch for Arduino boards. When I attempt to do this it appears to compile and upload just fine but right after the sketch is finished uploading
it says "CPU RESET" and the sketch stops running and this happens in under 1 second every time. what is this "CPU REST" and why does it continue to happen? Also
I have noticed that the RED LED on the left side of the board flashes, and not do to the blink sketch it is not the "correct speed" it should blink every half second but its slower, more like
every 1.5 seconds and it has done this since I first plugged it in before even uploading anything.
Below is exactly what Arduino IDE is telling me after the upload of a sketch is done.
Sketch uses 10824 bytes (4%) of program storage space. Maximum is 262144 bytes.
Atmel SMART device 0x10010005 found
Device : ATSAMD21G18A
Chip ID : 10010005
Version : v2.0 [Arduino:XYZ] Jun 20 2018 16:38:19
Address : 8192
Pages : -129
Page Size : 64 bytes
Total Size : 4194295KB
Planes : 1
Lock Regions : 16
Locked : none
Security : false
Boot Flash : true
BOD : false
BOR : false
Erase flash
done in 0.838 seconds
Write 10968 bytes to flash (172 pages)
[=========== ] 37% (64/172 pages)
[====================== ] 74% (128/172 pages)
[==============================] 100% (172/172 pages)
done in 0.075 seconds
CPU reset.
Please anyone and everyone help! I can't even start to try to use or understand this board because of this and I have no idea where to start. Nooe of my other boards(NANO, ESP8266, UNO R3, ATMEGA) have this problem.
Thanks Guys/Gals---------------Robert