I hope to receive a uLCD-24PTU-AR smart display module from 4D systems tomorrow and would like to know if anyone has any experience with 4D systems displays or their workshop 4 IDE.
In reading the documentation supplied online by 4D, it appears that the Picaso on board micro controller can be programed using the designer environment to do a lot more than just run the display. The project I am currently working on involves a cadence function that repeats at a variable rate, and I have one up and running on an arduino using a 16 x 2 LCD, there may be a better way however I am using delay() which slows things down for the rest of the projects functions, like displaying actual cadence and data logging gps. However the "sys_SetTimer(timernum, value);" and " sys_SetTimerEvent(timernum, function);" functions used by Picaso will call "function" when "timernum" counts down to 0 from"value". So it looks like my cadence and cadence display functions wont even be on the arduino at all.
Incidentally, I have no clue as to how this will be done.These are exiting times. As I learn more I will post updates.
Please share your thoughts.