I am trying to develop a simple VGA controller on zedboard. However I was successful in displaying some stuff on the screen but I am having some issues. I would like to explain briefly what I did.
For each 4 pairs of RGB pins coming out of the FPGA. I tried to make each one high and see if individual Red, Green and Blue are displayed correctly. I was driving 4 ports of each R, G and B channels high one at a time to see what is being displayed.
Driving the 4 bits of green channel high is producing green colored screen as expected, but driving red and Blue to high is producing white color on the screen.
Also I tried to write same data to all RGB channels at a time. I wrote an incremental data from 0-15 on all the channels repeatedly to see the output. I was expecting to see grey bars with varying intensity on the screen but instead I see green bars from light green to white on the screen.
Could some one tell me the reason for this. Is there any encoding to be done to display right colors on the screen.
Any help could be great for me.