Converting the "wifi_cli_cm7" SDK example works:
I can:
- access my home WiFi network (connect to an AP), from command line
- create an AP: the MaaXBoard-RT acts as an AP, from command line
- I can ping both (but there is not any reasonable data/web page to connect to)
Just needed to do:
modify in the "app_config.h" into:
//#define WIFI_IW416_BOARD_MURATA_1XK_M2
And you have to reset the board, or power-cycle (all the time):
after a new FW version flashed, the Murata chip was not reset - you get an initialization error.
Reset board (or power cycle) and the new FW should run.
(unfortunately, you lose connection to debug).
Bluetooth is not enabled, not used (by this example).
If using Bluetooth - it would need a change for the LPUART10 used (not LPUART2 as on EVK - see board Guide Lines).