I am working with a Microzed Rev F and a breakout board MBCC-BKO. I am presently figuring out what pins I need to use on the Zynq to speak over the connector.
I was tracing the shematic for Connector 2, pin 33. On the breakout board, that pin corresponds to signal IO_L13N_T2_35, which connects to JX2 Pin 55 (http://zedboard.org/sites/default/files/documentations/MBCC-BKO_RevA_Schematic_131114.pdf page 2). However, the schematic for the Zynq Board (http://microzed.org/sites/default/files/documentations/MicroZed_Rev_F_Schematic_141212.pdf page 8) shows JX2 pin 55 mapping to signal JX2_LVDS_12_N. Is this inconsistency in name correct?