Is it possible to get the MicroZed SBC Mechanical and Altium Layout Library posted on the website?
Is it possible to get the MicroZed SBC Mechanical and Altium Layout Library posted on the website?
The MicroZed SBC Mechanical specs are in the latest (version 1.2) Hardware Users Guide posted on the MicroZed documents page:
We do not provide the Altium Layout files. If you are looking for an Altium Symbol/Footprint the mechanicals are the same as the MicroZed SOM even though the pinout is different.
Thanks for getting back to me. I was not looking for the board Alitum files, but I was hoping that the
MicroZed Altium Symbol and Footprint file would be updated to include the mechanical and board footprint for the SBC as it was provided for the SOM (
The MicroZed SBC Altium files you are looking for have been posted: