We have come across another issue with the Microzed (RevG) boards that we received through this order. JT4 is specified in the schematics (“Schematic_G-04-02” page 6) and the carrier design guide (“5274-MicroZed-Carrier-Design-Guide-rev-1-5-V1.pdf” page 14) as a 1k resistor (source: http://zedboard.org/support/documentation/1519). The BOMs (MicroZed_RevG_BOMs) incorrectly specify JT4 as a 0R resistor. This effectively makes the pin attached to this resistor (U13) unusable by the user. It also potentially introduces a short circuit: if the user pulls pin U13 of the Zync low, VCCO_34 and GND are effectively short-circuited which can cause the part to fail. We can modify the current batch ourselves, but please send this information through to your production people ASAP so that this issue can be addressed in future production runs