From the different hardware user guides, I understand that it is necessary to power externally the banks 34, 35 and 13. In my case, I am looking for a voltage regulator for my custom carrier board but I am not sure about the output current required to power these banks. My design does not have any external hardware to power up and the I/O in the Microzed would only be used for SPI communications (from PL), processing low voltage input signals by the PS and manage external analog inputs for the XADC (in total 96 pins: 80 I/O plus 8 differential analog signals).
I have seen the schematics of the different Microzed carrier boards but I understand that they are intended to manage external hardware and because of that I guess they use voltage regulators capable of providing high current ratings. With this, I consider that since my custom carrier board will only manage I/O signals, banks 34, 35 and 13 will require much lower current ratings but how could I determine that current consumption? Initially, I/O in the Microzed would be set as LVCMOS 3.3V @ 2mA to interface with the integrated circuits of the carrier board.
Thanks in advance