I have seen this strange behavior with my zedboard, when I connect usb as power cable SW1 glows RED and D5-R41 Blue. This behavior is irrespective of boot_mode jumper settings JP1-JP3, I'm unable to boot the board.
Can anyone help?
I have seen this strange behavior with my zedboard, when I connect usb as power cable SW1 glows RED and D5-R41 Blue. This behavior is irrespective of boot_mode jumper settings JP1-JP3, I'm unable to boot the board.
Can anyone help?
The Platform Cable USB from Xilinx is supported with MicroZed. Are you using a supported operating system? If you are having trouble with the Xilinx tools and cable, you should contact Xilinx support.
Now the Xilinx Platform cables's working fine.
I have created fsbl, u-boot and tried below steps.
xsdb% connect
xsdb% targets
2 ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (Running)
3 ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #1 (Running)
4 xc7z010
xsdb% targets 2
xsdb% dow /opt/fsbl.elf
xsdb% Info: ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (target 2) Stopped at 0xffffff28 (Suspended)
xsdb% con
Info: ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (target 2) Running
<<< this step SW1 turned off >>>
xsdb% stop
xsdb% dow u-boot.elf
xsdb% con
I saw log on console
FSBL_Status = 0xA304
This Boot Mode Doesn't Support Fallback
In FsblHookFallback function
Can anyone help, when I reboot the board it's again SW1 still glow RED.
Now the Xilinx Platform cables's working fine.
I have created fsbl, u-boot and tried below steps.
xsdb% connect
xsdb% targets
2 ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (Running)
3 ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #1 (Running)
4 xc7z010
xsdb% targets 2
xsdb% dow /opt/fsbl.elf
xsdb% Info: ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (target 2) Stopped at 0xffffff28 (Suspended)
xsdb% con
Info: ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (target 2) Running
<<< this step SW1 turned off >>>
xsdb% stop
xsdb% dow u-boot.elf
xsdb% con
I saw log on console
FSBL_Status = 0xA304
This Boot Mode Doesn't Support Fallback
In FsblHookFallback function
Can anyone help, when I reboot the board it's again SW1 still glow RED.