I am using the microzed module and a supporting carrier card to test the JX1 and JX2 interface. This custom carrier card is similar to the one on the Avnet MicroZed website. http://zedboard.org/support/documentation/1522
As per the documentation, I have powered up the board, downloaded the design and set the pins this way:
set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports o_pwm]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN R19 [get_ports o_pwm]
this did not work and then I changed them this way:
set_property PACKAGE_PIN R19 [get_ports PWMA1]
set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports PWMA1]
One of the major concerns I am having is regarding debugging the signals on the JX1 and JX2 connectors on the Microzed board. I have defined these connections using the xdc file and I am still having problems observing them on an oscilloscope.
e.g. I looked at Avnet's Vivado tutorial labs - Lab #7 and 8 as guideline, where a pwm signal is observed using a logic analyzer. I converted this to a single bit and made it an external port. I modified the xdc file accordingly and implemented the design. I see the waveform signal using the ILA soft core but nothing on the oscilloscope.
Is there any specific step I am missing to enable the signal trace through the JX1 and JX2 connectors? These pins are set up as 1.8V and they donu2019t show anything on the oscilloscope. The pin does show a high when I set them up in the xdc as 3.3V How should the pins on JX1 and JX2 be configured using the xdc file?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions/pointers