I work with Vivado 2014.2 and the AES-Z7MB-7Z020-SOM-I-G.
Iu2019m new to the Zynq world and worked through the ZynqSW and ZynqHW tutorials for the Zedboard (we already had Zedboards) as well as the CTT tutorial. Then I wanted to adapt the CTT tutorial to my target hardware, the Microzed (version with a Z7020).
Since it is a lot of new stuff that is discussed, it happened that I corrupted my Microzed somehow. I managed to crash my serial console, the zynq just doesnu2019t send any message (Tx of Zynq is always 1V8) even though Iu2019m able to download some (default) helloworld projects or connect to the zynq via XMD console.
However, I was able to debug the helloworld.c file andu2026 see there. I have the same deadlock as described here:
My Debug Disassembly exctract is this:
ffffff2c: dsb sy
ffffff30: wfe
ffffff34: mvn r0, #15
ffffff38: ldr lr, [r0]
ffffff3c: cmn lr, #212
ffffff40: beq -28 ; addr=0xffffff2c
This exact same disassembly extract appears with any code I try to debug on the microzed now.
Can you tell me if there is a way to overcome this deadlock? Is there a way to download an fsbl and bring the PS up and running again?
I would be very happy for an answer or even a way to reset my system again.