Hi there,
I have a MicroZed 7020 Board and want to read VN/VP values. Vor my IO Ports Vivado lets me only choose Package Pin L10 and K9.
Ok, so I look into the HW Guide (http://microzed.org/sites/default/files/documentations/MicroZed_HW_UG_v1_4.pdf) and on page 17 it tells me I reach those pins through JX1 97 and 99..
So I switch to the BKO Schematics (http://zedboard.org/sites/default/files/documentations/MBCC-BKO_RevA_Schematic_131114.pdf) to find out what pins its going to be on my breakout board. I would assume I connect my input signal to whatever pins are connected to JX1 97 and 99.
but that document says JX 97 and 99 are tied to ground? Besides I cant reach 99 from the BKO Board.
What am I missing here?
What pins on the breakout board do I have to put my input signal on?