Hello MicroZed developers!
I would like to describe a problem that I have with a reference design and ask for suggestions.
I'm trying to get the following setup running:
- MicroZed Embedded Vision Carrier Card (http://zedboard.org/product/microzed-embedded-vision-kits)
- MicroZed 7020 board
- running either with the shipped power supply or lab power supply
- everything out of the box.
I tried from both reference designs
- MZEMBV PYTHON-1300-C SDSoC platform, SDSoC 2016.2 (MZEMBV_PYTHON_SDSOC_2016_2_02.zip)
- EMBV - PYTHON-1300-C Vivado HLS Reference Design, Vivado 2015.4 (EMBV_PYTHON1300C_HLS_2015_4_02.zip)
the unmodified „ready_to_test“ SD card image.
I also built an image on my own, but with same result.
And I also applied a heat sink with thermal grease and fan to the Zync. Zync is a really cool guy now, but with same result.
Problem: These designs seems to work like a charm. But the HDMI output freezes with some kind of scatter pattern every single time. This happens after a runtime of approx 15 to 45 minutes. This seems to be not related to the kind of demo software that runs or the content of the output.
<html><head><title>Jive SBS</title></head>
<body><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif">
<b>Error</b><br><font size="-1">
An general error occurred while processing your request.
Even a blank command prompt without any demo running causes this problem.
After this “crash” has happened the Petalinux seems to run further flawlessly – i can log in via a serial connection. But cannot run the demo a second time. The system has to be rebooted to get a HDMI output again.
This leads me to the assumption, that something with HDMI output is going wrong. Perhaps with ADV7511? Or his driver?
Has someone experienced something similar?
Any ideas what the cause could be?
Any suggestions how to debug this?
Unfortunately I don‘t have either a second MicroZed Board nor a second Vision Carrier Card to easily test if all that is perhaps a hardware problem.
Any help is highly appreciated! Thanks in advance.
Ciao, Marc.