I have dowloaded the official AVNET's petalinux-based sd card image from AVNET's webpage
link: https://www.avnet.com/wps/portal/us/products/avnet-boards/avnet-board-families/mini-itx/
image: Zynq Mini-ITX 7Z100 Petalinux Design v2015.2.1 (files BOOT.BIN and image.ub)
It does not, however, properly boot without HDMI connected into the box / board. I can't even observe complete U-Boot logs, so it must be shut down after the FSBL is run and FPGA is programmed.
With the HDMI cable plugged in (and the other end of the HDMI is plugged into a screen, obviously) everything works fine. But as soon as I disconnect the HDMI cable, the whole box is simply shutdown, i.e., the power is somehow cut off.
Is this a normal behaviour or there's something wrong with the hardware? (Note that there's also AD-FMCOMMS3-EBZAD-FMCOMMS3-EBZ from Analog Devices installed on the main board).
Thank you the help!