I am building a Petlinux 2020 project for my Minized board using Avnet BSPs. I get the following Warning:
iman@DESKTOP-6SCK4QO:~/SPEEDER$ petalinux-build -c avnet-image-full
INFO: sourcing build tools
[INFO] building avnet-image-full
[INFO] sourcing build environment
[INFO] generating user layers
[INFO] generating workspace directory
INFO: bitbake avnet-image-full
Parsing recipes: 100% |################################################################################################| Time: 0:01:27Parsing of 2991 .bb files complete (0 cached, 2991 parsed). 4260 targets, 198 skipped, 0 masked, 0 errors.
NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies
Initialising tasks: 100% |#############################################################################################| Time: 0:00:07Checking sstate mirror object availability: 100% |#####################################################################| Time: 0:00:35Sstate summary: Wanted 1749 Found 1311 Missed 438 Current 40 (74% match, 75% complete)
NOTE: Executing Tasks
NOTE: Setscene tasks completed
NOTE: linux-xlnx: compiling from external source tree /home/iman/SPEEDER/components/yocto/workspace/sources/linux-xlnx
WARNING: bitstream-extraction-git-r0 do_package: bitstream-extraction: NOT adding alternative provide /boot/bitstream-extraction.bit: /boot/download-r0.bit does not exist
WARNING: xilinx-bootbin-1.0-r0 do_configure: Empty file /home/iman/SPEEDER/build/tmp/deploy/images/minized/download-minized.bit, excluding from bif file
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 5829 tasks of which 4129 didn't need to be rerun and all succeeded.
Summary: There were 2 WARNING messages shown.
INFO: Failed to copy built images to tftp dir: /tftpboot
[INFO] successfully built avnet-image-full
And I see there is no system.bit file in my images/linux folder:
iman@DESKTOP-6SCK4QO:~/SPEEDER$ ls images/linux
avnet-boot image.ub rootfs.manifest rootfs.wic u-boot.bin uImage zImage
boot.scr pxelinux.cfg rootfs.tar.gz system.dtb u-boot.elf vmlinux zynq_fsbl.elf
However, when I am not using Avnet BSP, the bitstream file is in this folder. What am I missing?
Is there a simple "LED blinker linux" example project for the Minized board using Vivado/Petalinux 2020.1? I am having difficulties with the old training files.
Thank you