is there a good tutorial for builindg petalinux starting from an empty block design, with working WiFi and bluetooth?
A lot of the reference material is for Vivado 2017.2, and I have Vivado 2018.2 installed
is there a good tutorial for builindg petalinux starting from an empty block design, with working WiFi and bluetooth?
A lot of the reference material is for Vivado 2017.2, and I have Vivado 2018.2 installed
Hello Jacob,
My suggestions would be for you to follow the Integrating Sensors on MiniZed with PetaLinux (2017.1 and 2017.4) Speedway located here.
It shows what your looking for.c However it uses either Vivado 2017.1 or 2017.4.
Thanks for the help, reading through those documents, I figured out how to use the tcl scripts to build the base project for the minized.
I also found another forum post
I was able to follow it to enable the kernel with what I think are the correct kernel mods to enable wifi and bluetooth. However, in the 2017.2 bsp petalinux project, there are a lot of recipes for and shell scripts for the wifi and bluetooth. I haven't read through the document too closely, but is there a way to get those recipes into a petalinux 2018.2 project? Are they really necessary?
Thanks for the help, reading through those documents, I figured out how to use the tcl scripts to build the base project for the minized.
I also found another forum post
I was able to follow it to enable the kernel with what I think are the correct kernel mods to enable wifi and bluetooth. However, in the 2017.2 bsp petalinux project, there are a lot of recipes for and shell scripts for the wifi and bluetooth. I haven't read through the document too closely, but is there a way to get those recipes into a petalinux 2018.2 project? Are they really necessary?