Hi all,
I am trying to make my own low cost XC7Z020/XC7Z010 based board. I am referring the microzed schematic and picozed schematic... the thing is with the phy chip attached to the ps. the both boards are using 88E1512-A0-NNP2I000 which is very expensive(~35 usd). I have attached the schematic with this post. so I want to change this phy chip and go for a cheaper option. but my concern is....are there any reason why this has been selected even for this kind of development board... is it okay to go for a cheaper option like RTL8211E-VL which is used in the zybo board... I would be most grateful if someone can give me a clear idea about this or what are the criteria need to be consider apart from voltage levels of the zynq chip and RMII compatibility.
kind regards