i use minized zynq board by minized_sbc_base_2020_2.bsp .. so i build 'petaliux-build -c avnet-image-minimal' .
i hope to use led-brightness module at 'project-spec/meta-avnet/recipes-modules/led-brightness that was already supported on bsp.
but, i command by petalinux-config -c rootfs and enter menu config 'modules -> no modules'
So, is there some command to use not 'meta-user' layer but 'meta-avnet' layer???
when i command petalinux-create -t modules --name test-driver --enable, this module generated at meta-user .. not meta-avnet.
please, let me know .. how can i use meta-avnet layer? why i can't see any ready-maded modules..?
thank you.