In section 2.8 (page 12) of PicoZed 7010/7020 HW Users Guide v1.6 is written:
Inside PL I/O Bank 34 or Bank 35, there are 50 I/O capable of up to 24 differential pairs per bank.
Moreover, each differential pair from Bank 34 and 35 is isolated by a power or ground pin. Finally, the bank 35 allows the connection of 16 analog differential signals are input.
The question is: I can use the Bank 34 pins also in a non-differential way? In particular, I want to send 24 PWM outputs to control 4 BLDC and I want also to receive 24 digital signals from the 4 BLDC (12 from Hall sensor and 12 from sensorless mode).
It's possible to do this?