The Flash image for the PicoZed SOMs that ships from the factory has been updated. All SOMs manufactured after 15 June 2015 will have the new image. Advantages of the new upgrade include:
- Update to PetaLinux 2014.4, which eliminates some Ethernet performance issues present in earlier kernels
- Uses QSPI for bitstream, FSBL, and U-boot with eMMC to hold the kernel image
- Includes fix to Linux kernel which occasionally caused the eMMC to hang
- Scripted to allow the user to bypass the Avnet Factory Test which requires extra loopback devices and connectors
- Corrects previous 7015 and 7030 failures to load the bitstream and boot past U-boot into Linux
- The MTD partitions are now consistent across all PicoZed variants, which means for the factory test we can use the same image.ub file for every device.
- Adds e4fsprogs package to allow ext4 formatting of eMMC
- eMMC is dual partitioned with a 128 MB FAT partition (to hold the Linux kernel) and a 3.3 GB ext4 partition for user space
Restore/Upgrade QSPI Factory Image
Use this document and archive along with your PicoZed and PicoZed FMC Carrier Card to restore or upgrade the factory test image to the QSPI and eMMC on the PicoZed.
Restore QSPI Factory Image (12 Jun 15)
With the updated Factory Image, please refer to PicoZed FMC Carrier Card Getting Started Guide v2.1 (for use with 12 Jun 15 firmware) for instructions.