I ordered this kit a couple of weeks ago. Since it came, I couldn't make it work with any of the example bitstreams or projects, even after trying to re-synthesize everything myself. In the bare-metal application from the website, after following the guide to the letter, everything froze at the first printout : "initializing HDMI-FMC-CAM application". With the Petalinux example project there were two or three error messages about failing to start the xylon-drm driver and failing to get a pixel clock.
I found a workaround that got the camera working, but it is not exactly practical or safe, though it is repeatable. I thought it may help highlight the source of my problems so here goes:
I noticed that if I unplug the camera board (the one with the ADV7511 and 7611 chips) then the 7030 alone would complete the boot process successfully for the bare metal application. I tried hot-plugging the camera board with the zynq powered up, and trying to get an image from the camera. That failed, but after soft-resetting the board, everything started working.
If I power down for more than a second or so, I run to the same problem, but the process is repeatable. If I leave the board powered-up and remove the sd card I can even load the linux-OS examples, and suddenly the xylon driver works fine as well.
Interestingly, if I plug the camera and daughter board to a ZC706, I can run the bare metal application fine with no hackery, it just works right out of the box, so the board doesn't seem damaged. It seems like there must be some problem with the initialization phase of the python camera daugher board.
Any help or ideas appreciated. I can't keep doing this or keep the FPGA on 24/7. This is a brand new board, it is unacceptable that the provided bistreams would fail like this.
Let me know if I can provide more information to help.