Hi there,
I have not tried this, but I would start with downloading the demo zip file. In there you will find the drivers that need to be installed. Install them.
The drivers are looking for a specific address space (noted in the instructions). If you were to open the 7015 project (included in the zip), change the chip selection to a 7030, that should work. Again, you need to ensure the SAME address space is being used!
I would also double check that the changes made to the Verlog files were not overwritten when you change the chip type to the 7030. You can see the modified files for the 7015 in the patch folder.
Thank you for your interest!
I tested the firmware on PicoZed 7030, and I can confirm its working on 7030.
Now I need to access registers in the code. Please refer me to the PCIe driver tutorial if you know any, that how can I access to the read and write register in the code (like LEDs register in the code) from PC.
Also I emaild to the relative AVNET department for software source code but there is no response (two weeks past).
Thank you
Ok. I finally found a way to access the registers without GUI by using Jungo Windriver software.
Thank you...
Ok. I finally found a way to access the registers without GUI by using Jungo Windriver software.
Thank you...