I had board PicoZed FMC Carrier Card V2+SOM7030 on 2017/9, but recently found that it could not work properly. Is there any one could help me to quickly check the board. Thank you.
The condition is:
1.After power on (SW7), the LED D5 (VIN_HDR) be light, but LED D3(FPGA_DONE) and D4(PG Module) will not light at sd_card boot mode or QSPI or JTAG mode.
2.USB to UART could be connect from host properly.
3. Switch to sdcard boot mode, my previous linux example boot.bin code could not run. (there are any message in UART terminated tool.)
4.Switch to JTAG mode, SDSOC2016.4 also could not detect 7030 chipset.
5.I check the Voltage of TP18, TP13, it is zero voltage.