I don't have sd card at hands,I want to know booting picozed with QSPI must need sd card? I refered to http://zedboard.org/support/design/4701/76
Application Note on Booting PicoZed Using QSPI and eMMC
But all they need sd card.
I don't have sd card at hands,I want to know booting picozed with QSPI must need sd card? I refered to http://zedboard.org/support/design/4701/76
Application Note on Booting PicoZed Using QSPI and eMMC
But all they need sd card.
Hello Wangy,
I refered you to a post previously were I referenced a lab that uses JTAG to program the flash memory to boot from QSPI. No SD Card required.
Did you ever get it working? Did any of the suggestions we offered help?
Hi JFoster,
Yes,I can also use JTAG to program the flash memory to boot from QSPI, but it have not introduct how to boot Linux with QSPI. For examble FSBl、
.bit、u-boot(boot.bin)、uImage,how these files can program into QSPI and boot linux without SD card?
Hello Wangy,
Is there any reason why you do not want to use an SD card?
Hi JFoster
I booted linux with QSPI(without SD card) in zedboard in the past. So I want to test picozed whether it can boot linux with QSPI .I use the same way ,but failed. My way is to combine fsbl.elf、bitstream、u-boot.elf、uImage、devicetree.dtb、 uramdisk.image into boot.mcs(create boot image with SDK),then program boot.mcs into QSPI flash, but failed(printed "can't get kernel....").
Hi Wangy,
Unfortunatly I do not have any experience in programming the QSPI and eMMC without using an SD Card. I am going to suggest you try asking your question at the digilent forum since they are the main point of contact for educational purposes.
Hi Wangy,
Unfortunatly I do not have any experience in programming the QSPI and eMMC without using an SD Card. I am going to suggest you try asking your question at the digilent forum since they are the main point of contact for educational purposes.