Making a carrier card for PicoZed 7030 SOM and can't figure out which LVDS pair can also be used for clocks .
In the PicoZed SOM Hardware User Guide(ver 1.6) Pg13 it says (last paragraph)
Within a PL I/O bank, there are 50 I/O capable of up to 24 differential pairs. Differential LVDS
pairs on a -1 speed grade device are capable of 950Mbps of DDR data. Each differential pair
from Bank 34 and 35 is isolated by a power or ground pin. Additionally, eight of these I/O can be
connected as clock inputs (four MRCC and four SRCC inputs)
So I need to know which eight of the I/O do I use if I want to have them connected as clock inputs? When I look at the pin-out tables on pages 15-16 I cannot tell by the signal names if they are clock capable.
Thanks, Rich